Loading... # 引言 <div class="hideContent">该部分仅登录用户可见</div> 除了一些方法,修改hosts来访问github也是一种方案,对此写了个小工具,便于访问github。 在此感谢hosts源提供者 * Licoy * ineo6 * JohyC 本脚本引用了多个源,可选择性稍微多了点 # 可能遇到的问题 hosts提前把只读放开,不然可能导致写入错误。 # 脚本部分 ```python import requests import os hosts_source = { "1": { "url": "https://hosts.gitcdn.top/hosts.txt", "fetch_time_key": "# last fetch time: " }, "2": { "url": "https://gitlab.com/ineo6/hosts/-/raw/master/hosts", "fetch_time_key": "# Update at: " }, "3": { "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohyC/Hosts/main/hosts.txt", "fetch_time_key": "# Last update at" }, } start_line = "# github_hosts_start_!!!" end_line = "# github_hosts_end_!!!" inner_update_time = '# update time :' system_dir = os.environ.get("windir") if __name__ == '__main__': print("=======================================================") print("os path", system_dir) print("hosts source") print("1:", hosts_source["1"]['url']) print("2:", hosts_source["2"]['url']) print("3:", hosts_source["3"]['url']) print("=======================================================") hosts_selector = input("[i]select hosts source[1,2,3]") hosts_url = hosts_source[hosts_selector]['url'] fetch_time_key = hosts_source[hosts_selector]['fetch_time_key'] print("[i] getting hosts text") get = requests.get(hosts_url) text = get.text.strip() text = start_line + "\n" + text + "\n" + end_line new_hosts_arr = text.split("\n") print("=======================================================") with open(os.path.join(system_dir, "system32/drivers/etc/hosts"), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: read = f.read() split = read.split("\n") text = text.replace(fetch_time_key, inner_update_time) if read.find(start_line) != -1: hosts = read[0:read.find(start_line)] + read[read.find(end_line) + len(split[len(split) - 1]):] hosts = hosts.strip() + "\n" else: hosts = read.strip() + "\n" hosts += "\n" + text for i in split: if i.find(inner_update_time) > -1: print("[i] current_update_time=\033[1;31;20m", i.replace(inner_update_time, ""), "\033[0m") for j in new_hosts_arr: if j.find(fetch_time_key) > -1: print("[i] online_update_time=\033[1;32;20m", j.replace(fetch_time_key, ""), "\033[0m") s = input("[i]replace hosts?[y/Y/yes]") if s.lower() == 'y' or s.lower() == 'yes': try: with open(os.path.join(system_dir, "system32/drivers/etc/hosts"), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(hosts) print("\033[1;32;20m[i] write hosts success\033[0m") except Exception as e: print("\033[1;31;20m[x] write hosts failure\033[0m") os.system("ipconfig /flushdns") print("=======================================================") print("[i] exit") ``` # 效果图   # 后续优化 可以添加启动参数,就不用手动输入了,然后添加一个定时任务,保持本地的hosts是最新的。 这里就不做开发了,提供个思路,剩下的交给小伙伴们来解决吧。 © 允许规范转载 打赏 赞赏作者 支付宝微信 赞 1 如果觉得我的文章对你有用,请随意赞赏
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